The Maple Syrup is a liquid produced from maple tree sap . Maple big trees
store starch in winter season , that is next
developed to sugar in springtime . It is developed by tapping the
maple trees, which release sap from the trunk area . At this moment, the sap is
clean and lack of sugar & taste. This sap is later boiled to produce Maple
Syrup's quality color, flavour and also rich sugar material .
Actual maple syrup
will never include high fructose corn syrup . Genuine maple syrup would not
include unnatural flavors . Real maple syrup will not include additives . Right
now there are not any replacement for real maple syrup . Exactly why ? Simply
because real maple syrup is all-natural , made by boiling sap from a maple
shrub to get the sugar . We are doing this process for many of years here in
the Rhode Island . Not just maple syrup taste much better than other sweeteners
but a recent study shows there are much possible health advantages to maple
syrup, because it has actually been identified to include components with
anti-oxident & anti-inflammatory characteristics .